5 Quotes & Sayings By Janet M Tavakoli

Janet M. Tavakoli is the author of the popular novels, "The Memory Cookbook" and, "The Persian Rose Cookbook". A published nutritional consultant, Janet is also an experienced chef with a passion for new and exotic cuisine. She has appeared on The Today Show, Good Morning America, CNN, 20/20, and Live with Regis & Kelly Read more

She is currently working on her next novel.

Aristotle was convinced that a trained memory helped the development of logical thought processes. Janet M. Tavakoli
Ricci created memory palaces in his mind. Each item in the palace represented a series of concepts. The rooms and locations within the palace served as directories and files, similar to computer data storage. Ricci instantaneously learned, retained and retrieved hundreds of new Chinese kanji, to the astonished delight of Chinese nobles. Janet M. Tavakoli
I find it appalling that the Church claims Mary consented at the age of thirteen to become the mother of God.”“But she did, ” James said. “There is ample evidence to show she consented.”“ Isn’t that the classic defense of the pedophile?” Helena asked. “In Christ’s time and even today in some countries in the Middle East and India, child marriages are customary. But that doesn’t make it right. In Europe and the U.S. we prosecute adults for preying on children. God would be arrested for impregnating a girl below the age of consent.”“ People didn’t live as long then, ” James said. Helena would not back down. “But human biology hasn’t changed. My point is she was too young to consent. The brain of a young teenager isn’t fully developed.”“ The mysteries of the faith require us to have faith.” “Don’t hide behind that nonsense. What kind of message is the Church sending to women? Only virgin children are pure? Experienced mothers are impure and unfit to raise Christ? It’s creepy and insulting when you think about it, but you would have me suspend rational judgment and just accept something I would tear your eyes out for thinking about my underage sister? . Janet M. Tavakoli
Hedge funds have made massive leveraged credit bets, knowing that their upside is billions in fees and their downside is millions in fees. Janet M. Tavakoli